Railtours ÖBB Plus subject in a cloudy sky

ÖBB Plus

Expand your ÖBB ticket and include a touristic offer to save money.

ÖBB Plus combines the amenities of travelling by train with a wide range of touristic offers for every taste. The most affordable ÖBB train tickets can thereby be combined with discounted leisure time offers such as museums, hot springs, boat trips, cable cars and much more.

Select the ideal ÖBB ticket for your journey

  • You are planning ahead of time and are flexible in terms of when you travel? Then we recommend you to make the most of our Sparschiene ticket to travel at a particularly low rate.
  • You want full flexibility and do not know yet exactly when you will be travelling? Then we recommend our standard ticket, which ideally you can book at a reduced rate using the ÖBB Vorteilscard.
  • You are travelling in your region with a group of 2-5 persons? For this, we offer the Einfach-Raus-Ticket for local and regional transport.
  • Apart from the above-mentioned tickets, you can also combine the ÖBB Plus with further ÖBB single-journey tickets (Komfort, Globalpreis), as well as single tickets issued by the regional transport associations.


When you buy an ÖBB ticket, you don't yet know exactly whether you want to book a leisure offer? No problem! As of now, the majority of the ÖBB Plus offers in the shop area of the ÖBB Ticketshop can also be booked without a simultaneous purchase of an ÖBB ticket at a reduced price.

You will unfortunately not be able to travel?

For the ÖBB ticket, the current terms and conditions as well as ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG's GTCs apply. For the ÖBB Plus, the following cancellation policy applies:

  • Cancellation prior to the first day of validity of the ÖBB ticket: You will receive a refund of 100% of the price of the touristic offer.
  • Cancellation from the first day of validity of the ÖBB ticket: The price of the touristic offer cannot be refunded.

A prerequisite for any reimbursement is that the unused voucher is returned. Partial reimbursements are not granted in cases where not all of the services were used.